Consumer Driven Health Plans are high deductible
health plans (HDHP) that are typically tied to an employee
and/or employer funded health savings account. The accounts
are designed to cover the employee deductibles and other out
of pocket medical expenses. While employees pay a higher deductible,
their premium contributions – and those of the employer
– are lower. Health Savings Accounts (HSAs) are the
most common type of savings accounts tied to an HDHP because
they are tax-exempt and the savings account can be rolled
over year after year.
The success of Consumer Driven Health Care
in reducing health insurance costs over the long-term lies
in employee-empowerment. As employees have a better understanding
of their health care needs and treatment options, they will
become smarter shoppers of health care. In an effort to help
plan participants make better decisions, HDHP insurance providers
are offering more comprehensive information on their websites,
such as pricing and quality information in the following areas:
pharmacy/prescription drug, physician, x-ray/lab and hospital.
Insurance providers are also increasing their staffing in
the Disease Management and Health Management arenas in order
to better educate the healthy participant as well as to provide
“coaching” to a participant that may be undergoing
treatment in one of their designated “disease”