The Communication Studio

Manual: EDNA

EDNA (1984)

Supports our TCS EDNA NAPLPS Editor product - a crude, English language-y approach to managing one of the early interactive computergraphic platforms.

View a summary of the EDNA software


EDNA allows you to list the contents of a 7 bit NAPLPS file either to the screen or to a printer in a legible format. The listing is composed of five columns on the left side of the display, showing the Byte#, and the ASCII, Hex, Octal, and Binary value of each byte in the NAPLPS string, with plain English comments appearing on the right of the screen.

  • The values for these listings are maintained in a file called DISCRIPT.UTL which must reside in the same directory as EDNA.EXE.
  • The file BASRUN.EXE must also reside in the same directory as EDNA.EXE.
  • Also there is a file named TCSCOM.UTL which contains the Communications port configuration data which must also reside in the same directory as EDNA.EXE.

All four of these files are included on your distribution diskette.

Navigation and Control Features of EDNA


When the program boots up you will be prompted:


This may be any legal DOS filespec, (for example TEST.PDI).


Then you will be asked:


If you respond with a <Y> (yes) then you will be asked whether or not you wish to have "HARDCOPY?" (printer output) of the bytecount total. The file will be scanned and the Bytecount displayed or printed accordingly.

This option can be very useful when you need to know the exact bytecounts for a number of files quickly.

If you respond <N> (no) to the "BYTECOUNT ONLY?" prompt you will then be asked if you want a "HARDCOPY?" of the file listing. If you respond <Y> you wil be asked if you wish to "PRINT ALL?", meaning the entire file. If you respond <N> you will then be prompted to enter the Byte #'s which define the beginning and end of the portion of the file you wish to print.


If you respond <N> to the "HARDCOPY?" prompt, EDNA will proceed to disassemble the file to the monitor screen.

When EDNA enters the disassembly mode, it provides you with a range of COMMAND CONTROLS at the bottom of the screen:



You may PAUSE the display at any time by pressing the <SPACEBAR> to inspect the listing at that point. When you wish to continue, just press <SPACEBAR> again. In this way you can step through the listing, stopping and starting as you choose, and inspect the content and structure of your NAPLPS files at your own speed. When you press the <SPACEBAR> to PAUSE the disassembler display, the COMMAND CONTROLS at the bottom of the screen will now be:

Press <SPACEBAR> to CONTINUE...<INS> or <DEL> to EDIT...<L> to LIST


While in the PAUSE mode EDNA will also allow you to jump to any Byte# in the file and LIST from that point on. This prevents your having to scan an entire file just to inspect a given part, and allows you to jump forward and back in the listing.


The INSERT and DELETE line editing functions are also available from the PAUSE mode. By pressing either the <INS> or <DEL> keys EDNA will prompt you to enter the Byte# from which to begin your line editing operation. The INSERT function will allow you to enter new NAPLPS commands line-by-line from that Byte#. To exit the INSERT mode, simply press the <INS> key again. In the DELETE mode, EDNA will prompt you for the beginning Byte# and the ending Byte# of the section of NAPLPS code which you wish to delete. (If you wish to Delete only one byte of code, the beginning Byte# and ending Byte# will be the same.) @newpage QUIT/SAVE TO DISC

When EDNA is NOT in PAUSE mode and actively listing to the screen you may choose to QUIT or SAVE TO DISC. QUIT is used to escape from the program when only viewing the contents of a file. The SAVE TO DISC feature is used to save an edited file to disc, either under its original name, or as a new filename. Edited files MUST be saved to disc or they will be lost when you exit the program or list a new file.


EDNA is a NAPLPS decoder emulator. This means that, if you have an external NAPLPS decoder attached to COM Port #1, EDNA will simultaneously display each NAPLPS byte on your decoder screen as you step through the listing of a file.

This also means that EDNA, like a decoder, interprets data depending on the last NAPLPS status command it received. Therefore, if you were listing out the vertices of a polygon and then used the "LIST FROM" function to jump into the middle of a text sequence, EDNA would continue to interpret the data stream as graphic PDIs rather than as text, and would continue to do so until a new status byte is invoked. (You can see the effect graphically on the external decoder screen).

This characteristic may occasionaly cause the Disassembler comments to be untrue when you are jumping around within a file listing. This should in no way interfere with the normal applicability of the program, but we metion it here for reference.


Copyright 1985 The Communication Studio Inc

View a summary of the EDNA software