This was one of the more complex and challenging "information architecture" engagements.
I saved some of my observations about the process of creating and managing one of the first community-run cable channels in the US.
We licensed our TCS Textup Context Management System to CitiBank to use as the primary production utility for a multi-client internal portal. We set up, trained and supported Citibank personnel so that they could maintain the information system themselves.
As an undergrduate junior in 1970 I taught a course in the Experimental College at Tufts University.
TCS Software Manuals
The TextUp Workstation lets you quickly edit graphically sophisticated pages through a simple Template and Clip Art-driven design tool. It's a rudimentary meta-information tagging system that provides annotation, templating and an English-language-y user interface that allows a person with basic secretarial skills to easily update graphically sophisticated pages safely and quickly.
This is the guide for that person with those basic secretarial skills.
This a graphics screen creation system that allows you to dynamically add metadata tags to the design elements as you create a page. This was to be the "next step" for the TextUp suite of productivity tools - integrating the template design, graphics creation, and annotation (tagging) process all "under the hood"
This software page generator engine takes a "bare bones" simple text file, automatically reformats the data in it into graphic templates, and stores the result under a new filename. In many ways, Otto may be viewed simply as an automated version of TextUp.
This billboard manager lets you create, edit and present a group graphicically-sophisticated pages as an automated -or manually-controlled - "slideshow" that can be displayed on any computergraphic device.
This technical tool displays the underlying code of a NAPLPS computergraphic file with referential annotation - Also allows simple editing. It was our first and most fundamental design tool. Because - once you have a code dis-assembler it also means that you have a code re-assembler.