The Communication Studio

Manual: CitiVision

CitiVision (1987)

Supported our suite of TCS Production Tools which we packaged for Citibank's mandate to deliver corporate services via the desktop.

Our template, clipart and production package allowed Corporate Staff Sevices personnel with secretarial skills to update and publish information easily on CitiVision.


The CITIVISION service consists of two major informational sections:

1)  The WHAT'S UP section contains timely information which is updated on a regular basis.  This information is presented both in BROADCAST mode (as a non-interactive slideshow) and in INTERACTIVE mode (as a user-searchable interactive database)

2)  The DATABASE section contains more static information which is rarely updated.  This information is always maintained in only the interactive mode.


Most of your updateable TCS TextUp templates are designed as overlays.  This means that the system needs to store a full-screen Background Template (*.BGD) only rarely - at those points where the information logically "begins".  The rest of the information content can be stored in Foreground Templates (*.FGD) on partial-screen overlays.  This means that the whole screen does not necessarily redraw every time the information changes. This makes for a speedier, less cumbersome system - and also means greater flexibility and control for the Database Designer and the Screen Editor.


1)  Updating the Background Template (*.BGD) if appropriate, as in the WHAT'S UP section (Monthly Palette and Today's Date)

2)  Updating the Foreground Template (*.FGD) with text

3)  Merging the Background Template and the Foreground Template (MERGE.TMP) when appropriate

WHAT'S UP Section

The WHAT'S UP database is presented in two modes:

1)  the BROADCAST portion, which presents a series of screens in a timed sequence; although this sequence may be interrupted by user input

2)  the INTERACTIVE portion, which offers Menu Choices in the overlay area of the screen and Routing Cues at the bottom of the screen




Use TCS TextUp to merge the appropriate Monthly Palette file (*.PAL) and update "Today's Date" in the INTERACT.BGD and BRODCAST.BGD backround templates

INTERACT.BGD .....  What's Up Interactive Background Template BRODCAST.BGD .....  What's Up Broadcast Background Template        *.PAL .....  12 Palette Color Themes (merge into                     INTERACT.BGD and BRODCAST.BGD)


Use TCS TextUp to merge the appropriate Icon (*.ICN) and enter text into the appropriate Overlay templates (*.FGD)


Use TEXTUP to merge the appropriate Background file (*.BGD) with the appropriate Foreground file (*.FGD) for the "top" screen of an information branch (*.FIN)


The DATABASE Section screens all have self-contained color palettes and use no graphics, so they make no use of *.PAL or *.ICN files.  All

================================================================== OUTLINE OF THE SCREEN ASSEMBLY PROCEDURE: ==================================================================

Menu Overlays ------------------------------------------------------------------ [1]  Use TEXTUP to update the Menu Selection options in the ?PICKS.FGD overlay templates

NYSERVBG.BGD .....  NYSU SERVICES Background Template HUMRESBG.BGD .....  HUMAN RESOURCES Background Template NEWS--BG.BGD .....  NEWS Backround Template POTPORBG.BGD .....  POTPOURRI Background Template STFBNKBG.BG  .....  STAFF BANKING Background Template   3PICKS.FGD .....  3 Choice Menu Layout Overlay   4PICKS.FGD .....  4 Choice Menu Layout Overlay   5PICKS.FGD .....  5 Choice Menu Layout Overlay   6PICKS.FGD .....  6 Choice Menu Layout Overlay   7PICKS.FGD .....  7 Choice Menu Layout Overlay   8PICKS.FGD .....  8 Choice Menu Layout Overlay


Content Overlays ------------------------------------------------------------------ [2]  Use TEXTUP to update the textual content in the TEXT???.FGD overlay templates

NYSERVBG.BGD .....  NYSU SERVICES Background Template HUMRESBG.BGD .....  HUMAN RESOURCES Background Template NEWS--BG.BGD .....  NEWS Backround Template POTPORBG.BGD .....  POTPOURRI Background Template STFBNKBG.BG  .....  STAFF BANKING Background Template   TXONLY.FGD .....  Full Screen Article Overlay   TXOVER.FGD .....  3 overlaid fields for custom applications  

Merge ------------------------------------------------------------------ [3]  Use TEXTUP to merge the appropriate Background file (*.BGD) with the appropriate Foreground file (*.FGD) for the "top" screen of an information branch (*.FIN)

   MERGE.TMP .....  Used to Merge the Completed *.TMP and                     *.OVR files when appropriate @newpage TO ASSEMBLE "CITIVISION" TITLE SCREEN: ------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXTUP COMMAND LINE                     YOU TYPE    [F1] FOR FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------                                         "textup"

>>>>  (TEXTUP boots up - this takes a few moments)

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT        "citivisi.tmp"         *.TMP

>>>> (Graphic Template appears on Decoder Screen)

UPDATE FILE? (Y OR N)                      "y"                 >>>>  (TEXTUP finds "MONTHLY PALETTE" Field)

ENTER NAME OF GRAPHIC FILE   TO MERGE:                             "jun.pal"            *.PAL

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds end of Template Screen)


SAVE AS "CITIVISI.TMP"? (Y OR N)          "n"

ENTER FILENAME:                        "new.cit"

>>>>  (TEXTUP stores the completed file under the New Name)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK ON   ANOTHER FILE? (Y OR N)                  "y"

>>>>  (TEXTUP returns you to the main screen)       (  and prompts you with the message   )

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT: @newpage TO ASSEMBLE "WHAT'S UP" INTERACTIVE FILE (Part A): ------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXTUP COMMAND LINE                     YOU TYPE    [F1] FOR FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT        "interact.bgd"         *.TMP

>>>>  (Template appears on Decoder Screen)

UPDATE FILE? (Y OR N)                      "y"                    >>>>  (TEXTUP finds "MONTHLY PALETTE" Field)

ENTER NAME OF GRAPHIC FILE   TO MERGE:                             "jun.pal"            *.PAL

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds "TODAY'S DATE" Field)

PRESS [E] TO EDIT, [M] TO MERGE   OR [SPACEBAR] TO BYPASS                  "e"

   (You enter Today's Date and Day of Week as text)                     

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds end of Template Screen)



ENTER FILENAME:                         "new-int.bgd"

>>>>  (TEXTUP stores the completed file under the New Name)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK ON   ANOTHER FILE? (Y OR N)                   "y"

>>>>  (TEXTUP returns you to the main screen)       (  and prompts you with the message   )

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT: @newpage TO ASSEMBLE "WHAT'S UP" INTERACTIVE FILE (Part B): ------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXTUP COMMAND LINE                     YOU TYPE    [F1] FOR FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT       "tx1artcl.fgd"          *.fgd

          (Graphic Template appears on Decoder Screen)

UPDATE FILE? (Y OR N)                     "y"                 >>>>  (TEXTUP finds "ICON LOGO" Field)

ENTER NAME OF GRAPHIC FILE   TO MERGE:                          "security.icn"          *.ICN

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds "1st SECTION TEXT" Field)

PRESS [E] TO EDIT, [M] TO MERGE   OR [SPACEBAR] TO BYPASS                 "e"

   (You enter text into Field using word processing utilities)

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds "2nd SECTION TEXT" Field)

PRESS [E] TO EDIT, [M] TO MERGE   OR [SPACEBAR] TO BYPASS                 "e"

   (You enter text into Field using word processing utilities)

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds end of Template Screen)


SAVE AS "1ARTICLE.FGD"? (Y OR N)          "n"

ENTER FILENAME:                        "new1.txt"

>>>>  (TEXTUP stores the completed file under the New Name)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK ON   ANOTHER FILE? (Y OR N)                  "y"

>>>>  (TEXTUP returns you to the main screen)       (  and prompts you with the message   )

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT: @newpage TO MERGE "WHAT'S UP" TOPSCREEN INTERACTIVE FILE (Part C): ------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXTUP COMMAND LINE                     YOU TYPE    [F1] FOR FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT         "merge.tmp"           *.TMP

>>>>  (Graphic Template appears on Decoder Screen)

UPDATE FILE? (Y OR N)                     "y"                    >>>> (TEXTUP finds "MERGE FOREGROUND" Field)

ENTER NAME OF GRAPHIC FILE   TO MERGE:                            "new-int.bgd"         *.BGD

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds "MERGE BACKGROUND" Field)

ENTER NAME OF GRAPHIC FILE   TO MERGE:                            "new1.txt"         NEW*.TXT

>>>>  (TEXTUP finds end of Template Screen)


SAVE AS "MERGE.TMP"? (Y OR N)             "n"

ENTER FILENAME:                      "new-int.fin"

>>>> (TEXTUP stores the completed file under the New Name)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK ON   ANOTHER FILE? (Y OR N)                  "y"

>>>>  (TEXTUP returns you to the main screen)       (  and prompts you with the message   )

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT:   @NEWPAGE ----------------------------------------------------------------- TO ASSEMBLE "WHAT'S UP" BROADCAST FILE -----------------------------------------------------------------

Follow the same directions as for assembling the "INTERACTIVE" file, but substitute the BRODCAST.BGD for the INTERACT.BGD.

Load in "BRODCAST.BGD" Update MONTHLY PALETTE THEME (*.pal) and TODAY'S DATE (Text) Save as "new-brd.bgd"

Load in "MERGE.TMP" Update "new-brd.bgd" into first field Update "new1.txt" into second field Save as "new-brd.fin"


     You now have the same "WHAT'S UP" information content loaded into different display files.  Type "DIR new*.*" and you will see:

NEW.CIT        (The "Citivision" Title screen with appropriate monthly palette)

NEW-INT.BGD    (The "Interactive" What's Up background screen with appropriate monthly palette)

NEW-BRD.BGD    (The "Broadcast" What's Up background screen with appropriate monthly palette)

NEW1.TXT       (The first What's Up Article content screen)

NEW-INT.FIN    (The "Interactive" What's Up screen with appropriate monthly palette and What's Up article merged in)

NEW-BRD.FIN    (The "Broadcast" What's Up screen with appropriate monthly palette and What's Up article merged in) 

     You may now use the various *.FGD templates to update other informational content for the WHAT'S UP section.  Type "DIR new*.txt" and you will see all of your new "What's Up" overlay screens (new1.txt, new2.txt, new3.txt, etc.)

NOTE:  "new1.txt" should always be merged with the Broadcast and Interactive Background Templates.  Succeeding "new*.txt" templates do NOT need to be merged with background templates.

@newpage TO ASSEMBLE "STATIC DATABASE" MENU FILE (Part A): ------------------------------------------------------------------ TEXTUP COMMAND LINE                     YOU TYPE    [F1] FOR FILES ------------------------------------------------------------------

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT       "nyservbg.bgd"          *.BGD

>>>>  (Graphic Template appears on Decoder Screen)

UPDATE FILE? (Y OR N)                    "n" 

>>>>  (TEXTUP will "re-boot", but you now have your "NYSU Services" Background Template on the decoder screen as a reference.)

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT        "3menu-fg.fgd"           *.OVR

>>>>  (Graphic Template appears on Decoder Screen)

UPDATE FILE? (Y OR N)                    "y"                    >>>>  (TEXTUP finds "MENU CHOICE" Field)

PRESS [E] TO EDIT, [M] TO MERGE   OR [SPACEBAR] TO BYPASS                "e"

   (You enter Menu Choice Title using Word Processing Utilities)

>>>>  (REPEAT PROCESS until TEXTUP finds end of Template Screen)


SAVE AS "3PICKS.FGD"? (Y OR N)           "n"

ENTER FILENAME:                      ""

>>>>  (TEXTUP stores the completed file under a New Name)

WOULD YOU LIKE TO WORK ON   ANOTHER FILE? (Y OR N)                 "y"

>>>>  (TEXTUP returns you to the main screen)       (  and prompts you with the message   )

ENTER NAME OF TEMPLATE TO EDIT:   @newpage TO ASSEMBLE "STATIC DATABASE" CONTENT FILES (Part B): -----------------------------------------------------------------

Follow the same procedures as in the previous examples, using the MERGE.TMP Template with the appropriate Background and Menu Choice Option Overlay files:

Load in NYSECONT.BGD Do not update (Use this as visual reference) Load in TEXTONLY.FGD Update Save as "nyse1.txt"


TO MERGE "STATIC DATABASE" MENU AND CONTENT FILES (Part C): -----------------------------------------------------------------

     Follow the same procedures as in the previous examples, using the MERGE.TMP Template with the appropriate Background and Menu Choice Option Overlay files:

Load in MERGE.TMP Update "nysemenu.bgd" into the MERGE FOREGROUND field Update "" into the MERGE FOREGROUND field Save as "nyse.fin"

@newpage ----------------------------------------------------------------- OPERATING THE SONY DECODER -----------------------------------------------------------------

DATA INTERRUPTIONS:  The SONY decoder expects to be "online" with a host computer in order to operate as a NAPLPS decoder.  If it does not receive occasional data reinforcement from your PC, it may go "off-line" every now and then.  The Decoder will then put a message "Press ONLINE to start" on the lower left hand corner of the decoder screen and you will be unable to send graphics to the screen.  This can be very annoying.  We suggest that you "trick" the decoder into staying "on-line" by connecting pins 8 and 20 in your RS-232 cable.  This will not affect the decoder negatively and will prevent any further interruptions.
