The Communication Studio

International Consulting

CSPI Ltd. / London, UK

Communication Studies and Planning International, Ltd. was one of the pre-eminent market/technology research services during the early days of the emerging interactive online industry.

The Value Proposition


CSPI marketing slideshow

Like many of its international competitors, London-based CSPI was closely affiliated with it's national videotex platform. The British "Prestel" format was the first (and thus the oldest) videotex system. This early graphical language was blocky and visually crude, allowing only 8 simple colors and barely 40 characters to a line.


CSPI marketing slideshow

For an Interactive Designer, this made for a significant creative challenge. CSPI contracted with The Communication Studio to design Prestel pages for:

  • Merck Sharpe & Dohme innovative physician-support service
  • Demo pages for Aregon minicomputer-based interactive systems
  • CSPI's own direct marketing site (shown at right)