Creating a successful media entity means collecting adequate resources and getting them to work together effectively. Good process is synthesis of business, technical and creative cultures:
Design leadership enables success
It's often called System Development Life Cycle (SDLC).
UxP records, interprets and communicates the vision
The UxP pactitioner attends the initial client meetings
and actively articulates the customer's perspective on the site.
Scope the deliverables
Do discovery
Identify customer needs
UxP defines the site environment.
Work with the Business Analyst to produce customer satisfaction
Work with the Technical Lead to identify Shared Data Entities
Work with the Creative Director to define Look & Feel
UxP contributes immediate feedback
Specify the User Interface Infrastructure
Supervise the Graphic Artists to produce the Graphical Components
Ensure user self-help and self-service
UxP maintains a dynamic infrastructure
Liase regularly with the project stakeholders
Champion usability testing and client acceptance
Work with the Site Developers to identify Software