Social / SmallBiz / Community projects tend to be more personal, with a heavy focus on connection. They often have a focus on community-building issues.
"John Vaughan brings a unique and valuable perspective to any project and team. His ability to get inside the mind of the core audience and help develop the best possible interface is uncanny. His fundamental knowledge of design principles and human factors makes him a solid addition to any creative or interface design team. Personally, John is one of the most wonderful and intelligent people I've ever met. Our ability to exchange ideas in the work place and then do the same in matters of the world is a welcome shift from the typical tired relationships one usually has with co-workers."
Gentry Wilson, Senior Designer, Immersant
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H.P. Curran Appraisals
Workflow and process-oriented redesign of customer-facing B2C service. In addition to producing a nice brochureware site, our focus was on making Peter's underlying business process easier to manage.
MuayThai Chinnarach
This Thai kickboxing martial arts (“the Art of Eight Limbs”) training camp website really needed a makeover. Edited their collateral, reorganized it, and re-skinned it, adding mobile capability.
Lead-Free Kids (Merkley)
Merkley +Partners (also our agency client in 2008) asked us to guide their redesign this public-facing self-service health site, a partnership between the EPA and the Ad Council. We simplified the UI, spoke to the target audience (Moms), gave it a social networking edge, and focused on immediate “calls to action”.
Bell Labs
The Intuitive Collaborative Design group (ICD) was charged with implementing a social networking and collaboration platform across Bell Labs. A primary focus was on integrated messaging and workflow collaboration.
C.P. Cohen Art
"Web presence" and marketing brochureware site for print-oriented design services shop. Full-service consultation, design, implementation, and hosting.
Cub Scout Pack 215
So I worked with our local Cub Scout Pack a little while back - and in so doing soon rediscovered some of my community service roots (harking waaaay back to video documentaries and cable TV activism in the 70's). This is a neat little solution for a volunteer community service website.
Interactive One
Interactive One is the leading online network serving the African-American community. In 2007 they asked us to help them evolve their social networking site.
Rick Daccardi Photos
This was Rick's first website. He wanted it simple and he wanted to present the range of his photographic skills and visual sensibility.
LPPOA Recreation
As a community member, in 2005 I volunteered to help redesign the existing Lake Parsippany Property Owners Association (LPPOA) website with an eye towards both service and outreach.
Participatory Design Conference
I worked with local community groups from 1973 to 1980, documenting community organizing around the issues "liveable spaces", sweat equity, urban homesteading and advocacy in both Somerville, MA and New York City.
Municipal Cable Channel 84
By the early 70's cable TV systems were becoming common throughout the country.As an outspoken community advocate, I was selected by the local Community Cable Advisory Board and Mayor's office to head up one of the first community-run and operated cable TV stations in the United States.
Politics of Cable
In the Spring of 1975 - having worked with community leaders and stakeholders for more than a year - I finished my first significant video-documentary. The Community Cable Advisory Board and Public Access advocates used the video to spur education and advocacy about the cable situation within the local community.
Within a few months of its release Somerville Mayor S.Lester Ralph allocated federal CETA funding to establish a permanent community programming entity under local government auspices. The Community Cable Advisory Board unanimously selected me to head up The Municipal Cable Project.