The Communication Studio


One of our big UxP challenges now is coming up with UI techniques that address the evolution from website into software application.

It ain't just brochureware any more.

Users would rather be successful than knowledgeable.

Allen Cooper

FAQ's Actually Identify Problems

It's more than just a "frequently asked question"

The ideal content of an FAQ section is a list of the problems that users most frequently face - in other words, they are usability issues that haven't yet been addressed yet in the design.

FAQ's page

A good FAQ raises the question:

If you know that users are having these problems, then why aren't they fixed?

FAQ's should map to issues in the call center and their priority (on the FAQ list) should reflect call center volume.

The website is targeted towards recruiters and hiring managers.

I know - from fielding a lot of calls (my "call center" data) - what most of the usual questions are. So I've tried to answer the FAQ's with the FastTrack for Recruiters.

Are FAQ's Necessary?

This doesn't mean that there aren't darned good rationales for providing FAQ's (There are several). In fact, I often suggest to clients that

FAQ's are an excellent way to address usability issues that haven't been overcome in design yet

Let's face it, some interactive process issues are just too complex or arcane for even the best design. You need to provide some additional "drill-down" guidance and handholding.

Don't overlook the impulse of natural, understandable human laziness: If I - as a user - can get you to tell me how to do it rather than figuring it out for myself, I'd really prefer that. A well-crafted FAQ can answer that need.