Tax, Online Learning & HR
Ernst & Young
As a consultant member of Ernst & Young's Communications Learning Team I was involved in technical writing, documentation, interactive design, training and strategic consulting for several internal projects:
The Value Proposition
Challenges and Solutions
Global Tax Operate
The Global Tax Operate Process allows E&Y to organize and communicate their expertise so that it may be effectively outsourced in large-scale engagements. We fine-tuned the workflow, documentation and online help to allow the Engagement Team to customize the system for E&Y's clients. (Lotus Notes)
PeopleSoft Training
We helped create a series of highly interactive training/testing modules to train E&Y's Human Resurces staffers how to use the new software version. (Peoplesoft)
Quick Reference Cards
The technical support team needed to have basic Cisco maintenance instructions in a concise format for easy reference.
Document Maintenance and Strategy
E&Y's Programming Group wanted to establish a solid system for maintaining technical documentation using Lotus Notes as the platform.
Employee Career Self Management
Contributed to a multi-skilled team that designed a highly interactive employee self-service assistance system for the Human Resources department.
This was a usability and content strategy challenge, with the end product to be delivered as a website.