The Communication Studio

Sports Information


Financial market data giant Telerate also owned a live "sportsline" feed called SportsTicker.

The Value Proposition

Sportsticker Brand Logo

Text-only sports info

Team Logo library

Enhanced Sports info page


In 1987 The Communication Studio discussed with Telerate the potential for using our software, formatting techniques, graphics and templates to provide a dynamic enchanced display for SportsTicker's text-only sports information service.


We demonstrated how our custom software, based on page templates & graphic sports icon clip art, could scan the SportsTicker text feed and automatically reconfigure it into a graphically-sophisticated display page. The screenshots at right show:

    • The "raw" text-only SportsTicker feed
    • Team Logo Clip art to be merged in
    • The finished (enhanced) page
      Template + Logo Clip Art + SportsTicker data

We based the SportsLine on our TCS Textup Context Management System and Otto automation tool. Although SportsTicker didn't buy our automation software, it did result in further work with Telerate's subsidiary Translux.