Martial Arts Gym
MuayThai Chinnarach
This Thai kickboxing martial arts (“the Art of Eight Limbs”) training camp website really needed a makeover. Edited their collateral, reorganized it, and re-skinned it, adding mobile capability. Small BusinessThe Value Proposition
- Site is mobile-enabled, goal-focused in order to reach target market of young, western males traveling abroad
- Colorful, simple design enables quick access to satisfiers and obvious Calls To Action for registration, costs & plans
- Templates: easy to self-manage & update
Their legacy site design had several problems, among them:
- Too many menu headings, scattered presentation
- The site focus was really on videos of their in-house staff fight matches
- The videos themselves are too long, of unimpressive quality, without context, and focus on their staff rather than on customers
- Information of interest to likely customers is scattered and hard to find
Embrace the Story
Customers are overwhelmingly non-Thai Westerners.
Customers are there to lose weight and get in shape (novices) or train for a fight (experts).
Customers - especially the novices - come to the gym in order to enjoy the party environment of the island.
A fair number of customers are "walk-ins" - people who are already vacationing on the island.
Mobile access is a necessity.
The solution, as ever, is customer-centricity.
- Address the recognized customer profiles in the site content and structure
- Articulate the gym's services in terms of identified customer needs
- Simplify and direct the site paths towards goals - which includes a robust section on Free Time